Unstable Corona situation in Austria

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Although the situation in Austria is still stable, a slight increase and the formation of clusters mean that the situation is not quite as relaxed at present.

While record growth rates are being recorded internationally in the spread of the corona pandemic – North and South America are currently the most affected countries – Austria still has only a few hundred people affected. Nevertheless, Health Minister Rudi Anschober on Monday urges caution: “In Austria the situation is stable as it has been for weeks, but now a little more unsettled. This is shown by a slight increase in the number of actively ill, but also in the form of individual clusters.

Source: progress-online.at

In the last 24 hours 38 new infections were recorded. This is 14 percent more than one week ago. This is in contrast to 44 newly recovered patients. As a result, the number of actively ill patients was slightly reduced to 449 for the first time. The number of hospitalized patients (minus 12 percent since the previous week) and the number of patients undergoing intensive care (minus 33 percent) continues to decline. Thus, only 10 people are currently in intensive care units.

Minister of Health Anschober therefore appealed once again to the population not to become careless now: “We must continue to be mindful and responsible. The virus is still among us and can break out again on a larger scale at any time.

This was proven by a cluster in Salzburg, where more than half of the participants were infected during an event.

20 new cases every day in Vienna

In Vienna, health city councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) and hospital representatives warned on Monday that the pandemic was not yet over. On average, about 20 new cases are registered every day, as Michael Binder, the medical director of the Vienna Health Association, reported at the press conference. “The disease is still present”, he assured. And even if there has recently been a decline in current cases in Vienna and Austria, this trend could be reversed – as was seen in international examples.

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